Physics science wallpaper
Physics science wallpaper

physics science wallpaper

  • Magnetically confined fusion required very powerful magnets.
  • For more information, see the Lawson Criterion. The physics of scaling something like a fusion reactor down to the size of something that can be fit into a person's hand is presently unfathomable.

    physics science wallpaper

    In France ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is being built. Current models of fusion plasmas tell physicists that sustained fusion should be achievable if we scale up the size of the reactor.

  • The "arc reactor" could not be as small as Tony Stark makes it.
  • Tony Stark's "arc reactor" shape is consistent with the shape used to achieve fusion in research reactors around the world. These are donut-shaped nuclear fusion reactors.
  • We have achieved fusion on earth in tokamak devices.
  • physics science wallpaper

    They're the largest molecules that have been shown to exhibit wave-particle duality. Buckyballs are super cool spherical molecules made from 60 carbon atoms. An arc reactor is another scientific device that I believe is used in the doping of metals and is used in the production of bucykballs. To clarify something, when he says "arc reactor" he really means mini fusion reactor. While in the cave he builds what he calls an "arc reactor" that provides power to his body and prevents the shrapnel in his chest from inching closer to his heart. His captors put him in a cave and demand that he build them a missile. When Tony Stark goes to Afghanistan to give a weapons demonstration he is wounded and captured. For example: Is it possible to make an arc reactor? Yes and no! I explain more after the jump. In this post I investigate the scientific basis of these technologies and biological effects. Iron Man and Iron Man 2 contain many fantastic scifi elements, including the arc reactor, chemical poisoning, and creating new elements using particle beams. SPOILER ALERT! Details about Iron Man (2008) and Iron Man 2 (2010) below

    Physics science wallpaper